
The engine of Valencian innovation is diversity, it is our greatest strength and it is the driving force that propels innovation and economic development. We embrace the richness of different perspectives, experiences and backgrounds to build a more plural, equitable and prosperous Valencia.

Our vision:

  • An inclusive ecosystem: We encourage the participation of all actors, regardless of their gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age, special abilities or any other condition.
  • Borderless talent: We attract and retain global talent, creating a space where diverse ideas can flourish.
  • Innovation for all: We implement policies that promote equal opportunities and access to technology for all citizens.

Our actions:

  • Support programs: We offer specific programs for startups and entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups.
  • Awareness and training: We promote the culture of diversity and inclusion in the Valencian ecosystem.
  • Collaboration with key agents: We work hand in hand with public, private and social entities to build a more diverse and innovative Valencia.

Benefits of diversity:

  • Greater creativity and innovation: The diversity of ideas and perspectives leads to more creative and innovative solutions.
  • Better economic results: Companies with diverse teams are more profitable and resilient.
  • A stronger ecosystem: The inclusion of different groups enriches the Valencian ecosystem and positions it as a global reference.